Hire Professionals For Killing Bugs
When insects are chewing your garden to pieces it is all too easy to drench the whole area with insecticide and hope the culprit will be whacked.
But not all insects should be considered pests. Many are gardeners ‘friends. It is not easy maintaining natural pest control in Sydney when neighbors are using chemicals, or dogs and cats are driving away insect predators like lizards, frogs and birds. But we should try – maybe even establishing a special habitat for some.
Most ladybirds and their larvae eat aphids, scale and mealybugs. Dragon and damsel flies, which are similar in appearance, attack various types of flying insects around your home and the elegant green lacewing is a ferocious hunter. Its larvae, sometimes called an ant-lion, eat many soft insects when they fall into its trap. Lacewing eggs look like tiny pins, the egg held up by slender threads. You will often see them on walls or doors. Wasps are marvelous predators that paralyze small insects, stuff them into their nests ready for the young wasp larvae to eat when they hatch. Hoverflies, easily identified because they hover like tiny helicopters over one spot, put their larvae eggs near groups of aphids.
When the larvae produce they have many aphids to eat. The praying mantis is one of the most able predators. It will attack and eat any small insect which crosses its path but is harmless to man and plants. The orange and red assassin bugs has a blunt snout and an aggressive appetite for insects.
Even ants are useful because they eat caterpillars, their larvae and fruit fly maggots in the soil. The presence of ants on a plant often indicates aphids or scale, both of which secrete sweet sticky honeydew. A small brown and shiny beetle in the soil is also a useful bug. It lives on soil organisms and improves soil aeration. Among the other useful garden creatures are lizards, large and small, which eat all sorts of pests. A few slabs of stone or garden pots will provide hiding spots for all sorts of lizards.
Centipedes may not look attractive, but they feed on snails, slugs and other creepy crawlies. They are recognized by having only one leg a segment. Frogs will get out at night and feast on snails, slugs and other pests. Birds are probably the most valuable treasures in the balance of nature. Apart from pollinating plants and spreading seed, birds eat insects.
You can check our blog:- German Cockroach Infestation In Home: What To Do
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