
Hire Professionals For Killing Bugs

When insects are chewing your garden to pieces it is all too easy to drench the whole area with insecticide and hope the culprit will be whacked. But not all insects should be considered pests. Many are gardeners ‘friends. It is not easy maintaining natural pest control in Sydney when neighbors are using chemicals, or dogs and cats are driving away insect predators like lizards, frogs and birds. But we should try – maybe even establishing a special habitat for some. Most ladybirds and their larvae eat aphids, scale and mealybugs. Dragon and damsel flies, which are similar in appearance, attack various types of flying insects around your home and the elegant green lacewing is a ferocious hunter. Its larvae, sometimes called an ant-lion, eat many soft insects when they fall into its trap. Lacewing eggs look like tiny pins, the egg held up by slender threads. You will often see them on walls or doors. Wasps are marvelous predators that paralyze small insects, stuff them into their nests...